New, borrowed, blue.

Droplets of myself. Coloured. Tainted.
Falling all around me.
I know not the fantasy from the reality
In being boundless I am still half-caste
My desires, world, truth.
Droplets of myself. Coloured. Tainted.
I think therefore I am?
No, I feel therefore I may be…
That’s what the ripples in the puddle forming at my feet glisten back at me
Catching the light to convey their thoughts
The ripples in my glow, mind, flow
Droplets of myself. Coloured. Tainted.
I stand in myself as I pour around me
Seeking to discern what is me and what is ME
What is mine and what is lent to me?
My something new, borrowed, blue.
Droplets of myself. Coloured. Tainted.
I stare into my version of the sun
Maybe it’s the glare
But once in a drop
I see a different colour and taint
My snowflakes.
In the midst of me,
 there is ME
Bursting forth to remind me,
Of the ME before here
I was whole before I was made whole
I am blended but I AM HERE.


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