Colourless flowers

How can the sky remain unchanging yet my heart is breaking?
Our collective jar of yesterdays is a mess of shards and ooze at my feet.
They don’t just belong to me.
All of you were in them.
Shudder with me as the world leaves with them
stuck to the soles of their undeserving feet.
Shuffling clumsy patterns of our then
into this present and indifferent ground
Let’s writhe and gnash our teeth
aching at the sight of these shoe print flowers
these sad deformed sighing flowers
indelicate colourless flowers
Strewn ahead of us callously on this path we must now travel
This infinite path... reaching…
Tendril upon tendril wetting the ground
Leading us everywhere but back
Nay, me.
You were there but you’re not here
Your heart cannot break for a past shared
 My heart must break for a past owned
Leaving me raw and bloody
dripping on my infinite path
wetting the ground more still
I must now look to my treasure strewn infinite path
This map to my future
Downward and onward,
For the sky remains unchanging and you remain indifferent.


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