Don't turn back, you'll turn to salt

I have lain you down
Underneath my avocado tree
Next to my other broken crys
I have lain you down but there you need not stay

Return, Don't turn back

I'll write you into my living,
See you in foggy mornings
and dusty boots a walking
I''ll douse you on my lapel
wear you in the ticking of my watch

Till you're out of sight and gone for good

Return, Don't turn back

I'll sit down and braid those grass crowns
you gifted me so often
I was supposed to be part of a gypsy caravan 
Not a solitary flower girl in much too chunky bracelets

Where did you go friend?

If I trail behind you will I pick up the path?


  1. Don't return back again to unfollow me, you may find yourself BLOCKTD.
    I tried, right? Yet another right on the buzzer, ever so subtly dreamy yet reaching out innadisya time. Light!


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