I lay

I lay here unable to get up
Weakened by the ghosts oozing out of the walls into harsh focus
I haven’t the strength to turn away
To cover my eyes
To shield my mind
As the pantomime replays my wounds are salted
Filling me with a pain that beats in me
To the rhythm of my heart
Image upon image,
The colors an emotional kaleidoscope
The palette based in pain
Pain in my gut
Pain in my body
But most of all pain I’m my mind
My mind that forces me to watch these ghosts
These phantoms of my night-mare
This re-enactment of the very source of the fire
This gruesome fire that seeks to consume me
I watch one ghost in particular because she looks so much like me
But it can’t be
I could never survive that
Could never live to tell it
Then I remember why it is
I’m lying here…
It was me and this is my script
As the scene comes to an end
And the ghosts retreat I realize my state
The gaping holes that make up my heart
The mess that is now my spirit
The rag doll I embody
A beloved voice tells me to fight
Get up
Fix myself
But it is a small muffled voice
I ignore it in all totality
Because I was there and it was me
So I turn way

And lay here still


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