Sounds of your leaving

That’s the sound of my stomach dropping
For even immersed in my sadness
I see your name drift idly by as scarlet letters
Scarlet letters washed from our shore

The sound of my swallowed pride
As I run for a glimpse
Ran ever faster to keep you with me
Forgive me I wasn’t swift enough
Or is it that you were…

The unashamed breath of my yearning
Can your sigh echo mine
So I may know you yearn as well
Or that you once did

I’m leaking broken goodbyes
Hand me a nail love
So I may fix them and make ME whole
Better yet hand me that torch love
So I may burn them away and make US whole

That’s my disdain for our humanity
Couldn’t we rise above our mutual stations?
Rise and capture our fairytale
I promise I almost gleamed it once
Our happily ever more

I cast these gifts aground
What use are flowered baubles
If they didn’t lead to forever
Once catching our light
Now too bright to keep us together

Will the goodbyes never cease?
Once I’m done with one I attend to another
Goodbye words that held me here
Goodbye face that beheld my own
So many goodbyes

My weak attempt at levity
I find none in your absence
There is no positivity
No consolation
Just absence

Disgust as I finish yet another episode
Of the same series
I shall christen it- Heartbreak
Episode- I hope I’m almost over you

My hastening steps as I disappear
Into a world where indifference is an option
And if I have no taste for it
Here I get to capture our fairytale
Hold our ‘and so they lived’
I never got our forever after
I tried to paint it once
I couldn’t get the colors bright enough
They would not flare as you did
But at least here

the sounds of your leaving are mute


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