

Your bitterness reaches into me in threadlike waves...
Feeling around in my mind like antennae
seeking out the weakness and fear,
poking and prodding with fierce decision
How can I battle an evil that rings such truth?
Truth that lies beneath the scab of my seemingly fresh wounds,
wounds once gaping
tearing my insides with the intensity of their pain
You seek to open them anew
Awaken the void beneath them so it may swallow me whole
and regurgitate me covered in bitterness and hate
Bring back what once was...
Throw away years of patchwork and seasons of re layering
heaping myself in a stable facade
Isn't it enough that no one sees me through the murk?

Your bitterness reaches into me in threadlike waves...
weaving in and out of  my subconscious
leaving wispy emotion evoking thoughts in their wake
thoughts and emotions that bring me to the point of ripping the scabs off myself
The void may consume me
but in chaos there is the calm of the inevitable

It should be enough to exist?
It should be enough to not expect too much?
Too be foolish enough to want to be rid of demons?

Your bitterness reaches into me in threadlike waves...
bringing with it the crisp irony of my life
A life tormented by its protectors
hiding in the depths, waiting in the quiet
I have no where to run
no cure for what ails me
my hope lies within the fight to keep my wounds healed
that will have to be enough.


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