Burnt to a cinder

Ideas are matches
They light fires in spaces devoid of reason and dismissive of logic
The idea of a person will haunt those spaces long after the reality shows you different
You created your hearts desire then you kept it in memoriam when it couldn't withstand the light
You told yourself "How could it not be perfect still?" 
And then you stood aside as it bled into all that was good about you
When it seeped into the carpet and made the tear stained patches crackle and pop
You told yourself "Everything that's worth something hurts"
You ran along side it as it streamed into the gulleys that fed your spirit 
And it poisoned you. 
Poisoned you into a mere shadow of yourself... 
And still you told yourself "If I could come this far then it must be mine"
And then you blew away...
Burnt to a cinder by smoke and mirrors


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